SSPX Podcast

Screens and Shallow Learning: Digital Dangers #3

In this episode, we discuss why immense amounts of content is dangerous and what we can do to place ourselves on guard against this, much of which is misleading and potentially harmful. Ultimately we ask, How do we separate the digital wheat from the chaff?

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How Does Technology Affect Us? Digital Dangers #2

While technology such as smartphones, state-of-the-art search engines, and artificial intelligence give us access to vast reservoirs of information, are we harming ourselves intellectually through the superficial acquisition of knowledge?

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Digital Dangers #1: Introduction

How do we shield ourselves and our loved ones from the perils of the online, artificial world? Are smartphones a blessing or a curse? How can we safely navigate the digital landscape without damaging the sanctuary of our family homes? Join us as we tackle these questions and more throughout the series.

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New Series Coming Soon: Digital Dangers

In this ten-part series, we’ll answer questions about modern technology’s complicated nature and its lurking hazards. In a world where technology reigns supreme, we’ll explore its effects on us, our children, and our eternal destiny.

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District Superior of Asia Fr. Patrick Summers – Interview Series #9

On this special episode of the SSPX Interview Series, we’re joined by Fr. Patrick Summers, the District Superior of Asia for the Society of St. Pius X. Father Summers shares some of the unique challenges and stories of the life of Tradition in the missions and encourages us to pray that the Lord send more laborers into the vineyard.

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Is Using Marijuana Wrong? – SSPX Interview Series – Episode 8

We’ll look broadly at the morality of drug use, then, we will look specifically at marijuana to consider its effects, compare its effects to those of alcohol and tobacco, and finally make a judgment on the morality of its use.

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Why The SSPX Is Correct – SSPX Interview Series – Episode 7

In short, why does the SSPX do what it does – and how does it have the authority to do what it does? We’ll take a deep dive into all these questions over the next two and half hours with the District Superior of Canada, Fr. David Sherry.

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What is The Future of Angelus Press? – SSPX Interview Series – Episode 6

Fr. Paul Robinson is the new Publisher of Angelus Press. What are his plans for Angelus Press and all the other apostolates that are under its umbrella? And you may be surprised at all it does…!

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The Religious Life: SSPX Sisters – Vocations Series #6 with Sister Mary Gemma

The SSPX Podcast “Vocations Series” continues its look at religious life with Sister Mary Gemma, SSPX sister of 33 years. Sister explains the history of the congregation, its spirit, and rule, and what the path to becoming an SSPX sister looks like – and more!

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