Sacraments #18: New Rite of Holy Orders: Is it Valid? “A Mania for Change…”
Does this new rite of Holy Orders give the same emphasis, theology, and understanding of the sacrament as the Traditional Rite? If not, can we see what the effects are from these changes – both in the lives of the new priests and the lives of the faithful?

Sacraments #17: What is Ordination to the Priesthood? w/ Fr. McFarland
We’re going to see the history, what is necessary – that is, what is the form and matter of Holy Orders – and then we’ll go through the entire ceremony. The ceremony of Ordinations to the priesthood is full of rich symbolism, teaching, opportunities for grace, and a beauty that is unparalleled.

Sacraments #16: Does the Church Say Mixed Marriages Are OK Now? w/ Fr. Loop
How is it that efforts in the 1960’s to be more open to other Christian denominations has led to an openness to cohabitation, Communion for divorced and remarried couples, and a virtual blank permission for mixed marriages? Father will take us through the history, and through the intended – and unintended consequences of these seismic shifts.

Sacraments #15: Tracing a Change in the Ends of Marriage to its Horrible Consequences w/ Fr. Loop
What happens when you switch the order of two of the purposes of marriage? We’ll see why this shift happened, and what the reaction was. But first we’ll start with the consequences. Can this simple change explain the degradation of the modern family?

Sacraments #14: Why Marriage is a Crucifying Sacrament w/ Fr. Loop
Today we’ll be looking at the basis of marriage. We’ll look at its institution, and we’ll also look a the purposes of marriage – are there some that are more important than others? We’ll also look at what marriage is, in its essence. Is it a natural union, a supernatural union, or both? And what about the sacramental grace of this sacrament – is it different than the other sacraments in any particular way?

Sacraments #13: What’s Wrong with the Sacrament of the Sick? w/ Fr. Reuter
We’ll take last week’s concepts and look at the new rite of this sacrament. Is it really preparing our loved ones for this most critical moments before eternity? Is it focusing the prayers of priest on the soul’s eternal salvation, instead of just on physical well-being?

Sacraments #12: Why Extreme Unction is a Joyful Sacrament w/ Fr. Reuter
While it can often seem that this sacrament is sad – and indeed, it is often given when a loved one is close to death – we’ll look at what this sacrament can give a soul as it is about to enter eternity. And we’ll see that instead of bringing sadness, it brings peace, and even joy to these final moments.

Sacraments #11: Concerns About the New Rite of Confirmation w/ Fr. Goldade
We’re going to approach this episode in two different ways – we’ll look at the teaching and the prayers surrounding the sacrament, then we’ll look at the specific characteristics of this sacrament, especially the matter and the form. Of all the New Sacraments, Confirmation is the one where there is most serious cause for concern.

Sacraments #10: How We Can Be Perfect Catholics in Confirmation w/ Fr. Goldade
In this first of two episodes on Confirmation, we’ll first take a step back and look at the Institution of the Sacrament, its history, and why its practiced differently in the Eastern Churches versus the Latin Church. We’ll also look briefly at the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, the Matter and Form of Confirmation, and why the Church talks about the Perfection of Catholic Virtues in this Sacrament more than the others.

Sacraments #9: The Gravely Insufficient New Mass w/ Fr. Paul Robinson
Father Paul Robinson will join us to look at each aspect of the New Mass, and how it constitutes a gravely insufficient way of adoring the Holy Trinity. We’ll be using clips from a couple Novus Ordo Masses to illustrate each section that Father is discussing – and to be as fair as possible, we will mainly be looking at a fairly reverent, common Novus Ordo Mass. It would be easy to find a New Mass with dancers, bands and light shows – but we’re trying to illustrate that at its core, the prayers and rubrics of the priest are a striking departure from Catholic theology.