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Today is Tuesday, October 22, 2024, A feria, a 4th class feast, with the color of green. In this episode: The meditation: “Brotherly Love and Its Qualities,” today’s news from the Church: “Funeral Sermon for Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Monday, October 21, 2024, A feria, with a commemoration of St. Hilarion, Abbot , a 4th class feast, with the color of green. In this episode: The meditation: “The Second Motive of Charity: Christ's Example,” a preview of the Sermon: “True Forgiveness,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Sunday, October 20, 2024, The 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, a 2nd class feast, with the color of green. In this episode: The meditation: “Christ is the First Motive of Charity,” today’s news from the Church: “The Shadow of Benedict XVI Looms over the Synod,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Saturday, October 19, 2024, The feast of St. Peter of Alcantara, Confessor , a 3rd class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “Cure of the Paralytic at the Pool of Jerusalem,” a preview of this week’s episode of The Catholic Mass #12: “Dom Gueranger and the Liturgical Movement,”...
Today we start a series of three episodes, all looking at the period from the Council of Trent up to the Second Vatican Council. Specifically, we focus on what’s called “The Liturgical Movement.” This was a movement for the restoration of the Liturgy; renewing its discipline; and broadening the education of both the faithful and...
Today is Friday, October 18, 2024, The feast of St. Luke, Evangelist , a 2nd class feast, with the color of red. In this episode: The meditation: “How We Should Love God,” today’s news from the Church: “The Funeral of Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Tuesday, October 17, 2024, The feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin , a 3rd class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “The Blind Man Acknowledges and Adores His Divine Benefactor,” a preview of the Sermon: “Sacramental Marriage Can Make You a Saint,” and today’s thought from the...
Today is Wednesday, October 16, 2024, The feast of St. Hedwig, Widow, a 3rd class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “The Blind Man Confounds the Pharisees,” a preview of the Sermon: “The Virtue of Fidelity,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Tuesday, October 15, 2024, The feast of St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin and Doctor, a 3rd class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “The Man Born Blind: Causes,” today’s news: “Retreats announced for next year in the US District,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Tuesday, October 14, 2024, The feast of St. Callistus, Pope and Martyr, a 3rd class feast, with the color of red. In this episode: The meditation: “Jesus Is the Light of the World,” a preview of the Sermon: “The Spirit of the Maccabees in Our Times,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Sunday, October 13, 2024, The XXI Sunday after Pentecost, a 2nd class feast, with the color of green. In this episode: The meditation: “The Wicked Servant,” today’s news from the Church: “Nuncios Draw the Vatican’s Attention” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.
Today is Saturday, October 12, 2024, The feast of the Blessed Virgin on Saturdays , a 4th class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “Accusing Ourselves in Confession,” today’s news from the Church: “The Life of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.