Digital Dangers

In a world where technology reigns supreme, we'll explore its effects on us, our children, and our eternal destiny.

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In this ten-part series, we’ll answer questions about modern technology’s complicated nature and its lurking hazards. In a world where technology reigns supreme, we’ll explore its effects on us, our children, and our eternal destiny. How do we shield ourselves and our loved ones from the perils of the online, artificial world? Are smartphones a blessing or a curse? How can we safely navigate the digital landscape without damaging the sanctuary of our family homes? Join us as we tackle these questions and more throughout the series.

Download a Digital Safety Guidebook

Produced by St. Mary’s Academy & College, shared with their permission here.  Please keep in mind that the ultimate responsibility lies with the parents and users – these recommendations are not to be seen as “set it and forget it” foolproof methods.  It will require your ongoing supervision.

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