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Fr. Franks will join us to examine whether we can believe what is written in the New Testament, or, like critics allege, whether it is just a collection of pious stories. Are the Gospels anonymous, or can we prove they were written by the Evangelists? And can we really show that over 2,000 years, they...
On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by try to prove that Our Lord was God Himself.  Many have claimed throughout history that perhaps he was just very smart – he was a holy man, but not God. Others claim that he was a complete fraud – he really existed, but he…
What are miracles anyway? And isn’t it easier to just say that miracles are things that we don’t fully understand, and not the hand of God entering our life? That seems… not logical. And if miracles are real, then what is the point of them? How do we know that miracles are actually, miraculous? How...
Let’s look at the many prophecies about Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. First, Fr. MacPherson will help us understand what a prophecy is, and how it’s different than a prediction.  Then we’ll see how throughout the Old Testament, these prophecies get clearer and clearer about who Our Lord would be – yet even still,...
Today we’ll look at two specific points: How are we supposed to interpret some of the more controversial points? Was the God of the Old Testament a God of wrath and jealousy? Also, why did God choose a specific group of people – single them out – as His chosen people? Is that fair?
Can we trust scripture?  How do we know that the Bible is true, much less divinely inspired? Can we really trust that this collection of books from hundreds, thousands of years ago is accurate? And how are we supposed to interpret it?
Did God have to give man revelation? Is revelation necessary for us to know who God is? Or can we know all about God just from our own reason and intellect?
Today, we’ll investigate the obvious next question – how do we know what to do for this religion? Can we figure it out all on our own? Do we need God to tell us? And is it even possible for God to speak to humans? It initially seems beyond credibility…
We’ll look broadly at the morality of drug use, then, we will look specifically at marijuana to consider its effects, compare its effects to those of alcohol and tobacco, and finally make a judgment on the morality of its use.
So Far this Podcast has attempted to show why Catholics consider it reasonable to hold that there is a God, and to hold that human beings are distinct from the other animals, having a rational soul. Now the question presents itself: Do human beings have any duties towards God? In other words – is some...
Fr. Albert will join us to look at man himself. We’ve spent the last three episodes looking at the existence God, now we need to know about us. We know that we exist – that part is easy. But what are we made for? What is our purpose? Or in more apologetical terms – what...
Fr. Paul Robinson will look at the theory of evolution. Can a Catholic hold that evolution and creation are both consistent with each other? Can non-life turn into life? Can life turn into intelligent life? Is there room in the theory of evolution for God? We’ve already seen that God exists – so how did...