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Today we’re speaking with Fr. Jonathan Loop about Religious Liberty. This, like Ecumenism, is one of the major exports of the Second Vatican Council. By it, we’re led to believe that someone’s religion is their conscience, and no one else should tell them how to believe. But Father Loop will explain to us how, while...
This week, we’re speaking with Fr. Patrick Summers, the District Superior of the Society of Saint Pius X in Asia about Ecumenism. Ecumenism, as we have seen in Episode 23, was one of the driving factors behind the Novus Ordo Mass – but today we’ll explore the other effects of Ecumenism on the Catholic Church,...
A slightly different episode for you this week, as we’re not tackling a new topic, but getting some questions answered that some of our listeners and viewers asked about the recent set of episodes on the Novus Ordo Mass. Father Franks joined us to go a little deeper on questions of validity of the New...
Companion Article: View on YouTube:       In the past months, we’ve been producing a series of episodes on the Crisis in the Church, and haven’t released any new episodes of our series that really started the SSPX Podcast – Questions with Father. If you’re unfamiliar with this series, how it works is, listeners send...
On this episode, we’re talking with Fr. Paul Robinson, the Prior of Saint Isidores in Denver, Colorado, about the practical matters that Catholics should know about the Novus Ordo Mass. Over the last two episodes, we’ve looked at the inherent problems in this new formulation of the New Mass. Today, we’ll see what that means...
We’ll continue our discussion of the Novus Ordo Mass today with Fr. Paul-Isaac Franks, professor of Theology at Saint Marys College. Last time, we looked at the New Mass’s Ecumenical intent. Today, we’ll see how the New Mass is a direct expression of the New Theology that was condemned by Pope Pius XII. But this...
We’re starting our 4-episode look at the Novus Ordo Mass, which was introduced in 1969. We’ll be covering a different aspect during each of these episodes, today, looking at the New Mass, and how it was developed as an Ecumenical Rite. We know from previous episodes that the Church had pivoted in its relationship to...
With this episode, we’re starting our study of the period after the Second Vatican Council. Over the next twenty or so episodes, we’ll be diving into topics like the Novus Ordo Mass, Religious Liberty, Collegiality, the Hermeneutic of Continuity, Feenyism, Obedience and its Limits, Sedevacantism, Ecumenism, Infallibility, the new Canonizations, Supplied Jurisdiction, and much more....
We’re going to wrap up our discussion on the course of the Second Vatican Council today with Fr. MacGillivray by looking at the fourth and final Session of the Council, which took place in 1965. To do this, we’ll hone in 4 of the most important of constitutions that were passed, dealing with Religious Liberty,...
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on Good Friday, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Crucifixion.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on Holy Thursday, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Carrying of the Cross.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on the Wednesday of Holy Week, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Crowning with Thorns.