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This is a full transcript of the conference given in Paris by Don Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, at the conclusion of the XVI Theological Congress of Courrier de Rome, in partnership with DICI, on January 15th, 2022.
Today we’re speaking with Fr. William MacGillivray on a topic that has gained renewed attention in recent days – the question of the possibility of a heretical pope. What happens if a pope speaks heresy? This has been a topic of controversy over the course of the pontificate of Pope Francis, and it has only...
Fr. Paul Franks starts our mini-series on G.K. Chesterton’s “Five Deaths of the Faith” from his book “The Everlasting Man” by reading this chapter, and explaining why this section of Chesterton’s book is so important.
Father Paul Robinson will join us to discuss Holy Eucharist. In this first of three episodes on the Blessed Sacrament, Father will explain to us the relationship between the Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Eucharist, then how the Eucharist is distinct from all the other sacraments, yet still intimately related to it. Next…
Today we’ll look at the new understanding of the Sacrament of Penance. To do that, we’re going to take a step back, and see how much of the hierarchy in the Church today sees sin differently, or at least there’s a different emphasis. Then we’ll see how that impacts the Sacrament of Penance. We’ll also...
We’ll take a magnifying glass to Penance today. To do that, we’ll start by looking at the concept of sin itself. Then we’ll look at the penitent, and the priest. What is Father looking for when he asks us those questions in the Confessional? And why do we have to do a penance afterwards? Fr....
On this episode, we’re happy to welcome Father Nicholas Gardner for the first time, to answer a question about the family meal – the question was concerning whether or not it’s really that important. The answer, yes. But Father will explain how it’s not just good for the family, but it’s good for the practice...
Father Wiseman will join us again, this time to look at the New Rite of Baptism. While the sacrament in both the old and the new rites are valid, nearly every other aspect of the new Rite – all the sacramentals, blessings, prayers, and exorcisms, have either been removed or drastically changed. Why? And if...
Father Alexander Wiseman, professor at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is joining us for the next two episodes, first to look at the Traditional Rite of Baptism. As you’ll see, it is so much more than simply pouring water, and saying a few words of the formula. The Church has filled the ritual with exorcisms, symbolism,...
We’re thrilled to announce the next audio project from Angelus Press – an audiobook recording, released for free, of Archbishop Lefebvre’s classic, “They Have Uncrowned Him.” But to do so, we need to raise close to $8,000. Will you help us get this project completed by donating now at ?
Today we’ll have Fr. Paul Robinson back to look at some of the common errors – some of the heresies that have arisen over the centuries about the Sacraments. We’ll also take a look at the way two distinct groups understand the sacraments – namely, Protestants and Modernists. As you’ll start to see in this...
This series comes at time when the traditional rite of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are being suppressed. The series comes at time when it is more important than ever to understand what the sacraments are, why they’re necessary, and what we can do to preserve them.