All Episodes:

“Neo-Modernism or the Undermining of the Faith” The Revolution, it has been said, expresses “the hatred of all order that has not been established by man, and in which he is not both king and god.” At its origin we find that pride which had already been the cause of Adam’s sin. The revolution withinIn…
“The Marriage of the Church and the Revolution” The Revolution, it has been said, expresses “the hatred of all order that has not been established by man, and in which he is not both king and god.” At its origin we find that pride which had already been the cause of Adam’s sin. The revolution…
“Vatican II is the French Revolution in the Church” The parallel I have drawn between the crisis in the Church and the French Revolution is not simply a metaphorical one. The influence of the philosophies of the eighteenth century, and of the upheaval that they produced in the world, has continued down to our times….
“Religious Liberty, Collegiality Equality, Ecumenical Fraternity” How does it happen that the gates of hell are now causing us so much trouble? The Church has always been disturbed by persecution and heresies, by conflicts with temporal powers, sometimes by immoral conduct of the clergy, sometimes even of Popes. But this time the crisis seems to…
“Comrades and Fellow Travelers” Among all the documents of the Council, it was the schema on religious liberty which led to the most acrimonious Let us take up where we left off. Christian common sense is offended in every way by this new religion. Catholics are exposed to desacralization on all sides; everything has been…
“Religious Liberty” Among all the documents of the Council, it was the schema on religious liberty which led to the most acrimonious discussions. This is easily explained by the influence of the liberals and the interest taken in this matter by the hereditary enemies of the Church. Now, twenty years later, we see that our…
“Ecumenism” In this confusion of ideas (in which some Catholics now seem to be quite at ease), there is a tendency especially dangerous to the Faith, the more so because it masquerades as charity. The word which appeared in 1927 during a congress held at Lausanne, Switzerland, would have put Catholics on their guard if…
“The New Theology” Among The ravages caused by the new catechism are already visible in the generation which has been exposed to it. As required by the Sacred Congregation for Seminaries and Universities since 1970, I had included in the plan of studies for my seminaries one year’s spirituality at the beginning of the course….
“The New Catechisms” Among Catholics, I have often heard and continue to hear the remark, “They want to impose a new religion on us.” Is this an exaggeration? The modernists, who have infiltrated themselves everywhere in the Church and lead the dance, sought at first to reassure us: “Oh no, you have got the impression…
“The New Priests” To the man in the street, even the most indifferent to religious questions, it is obvious that there are fewer and fewer priests, and the newspapers regularly remind him of the fact. It is over fifteen years ago since the book appeared with the title Tomorrow a Church without Priests?Yet the situation…
Selections from the talk delivered at the Angelus Press Conference for Catholic Tradition, December 11, 2021. The title of the Superior General’s conference: “The Mission of the Society of Saint Pius X”
“The New Forms of Baptism, Marriage, Penance, and Extreme Unction” The Catholic, whether he be regularly practicing or one who goes to church for the great moments of life, finds himself asking such basic questions as, “What is baptism?”It is a new phenomenon, for not so long ago anyone could answer that, and anyway, nobody…