Crisis Series #10 with Fr. Franks: Modernist Infiltration – The Beginnings
First, we’ll see how it sprang up in Protestant theology, then, how Modernism tried to give an entirely new interpretation of scripture and the Divinity of Our Lord, and finally, how these errors spread into the minds of some Catholic theologians in the late nineteenth century.

Crisis Series #9 with Fr. Sherry: What’s Wrong with the World?
We’ve finished our study of Liberalism – Before we start covering Modernism in detail, we wanted to take an episode to answer a listener’s question about the Crisis in the Church: “What’s wrong with the world? Is there a connection between the chaos in the post-Conciliar Church and the chaos that we are seeing in secular society?” We reached out to Fr. David Sherry, who is the District Superior of Canada for the SSPX. We’ll spend 40 minutes on the topic, and by the end, you’ll have an answer to solve nearly all the problems the world is facing!

Crisis Series #8 with Fr. Loop: Is American Exceptionalism Catholic?
This week, we’ll discuss the rapid growth of Catholic schools, parishes, hospitals, and orphanages, and what that had to do with American Exceptionalism. We’ll also see how Pope Leo XIII both was in awe of the American Catholic Church, and gave some grave warnings.

Crisis Series #7 with Fr. Loop: Why Americanism is a Heresy
We’re speaking with Fr. Jonathan Loop about Americanism, which is closely tied to our last set of episodes on Liberalism. We’ll start by looking at the history and challenges that faced the Catholic Church in the early years of our country. Also, we’ll ask why Americanism is actually an error, and whether or not an American can be both a patriot and a good Catholic.

Crisis Series #6 with Fr. Reuter: Liberal Catholics Don’t Exist
We’re speaking with Fr. Steven Reuter for the culmination on our study of Liberalism, by seeing how it’s completely impossible for a Catholic to be a Liberal, and a Liberal to be a Catholic. Yes, there are “Liberal Catholics” but can they truly say they are Catholics, in the full sense of the word?

Crisis Series #5 with Fr. Reuter: What is Liberalism?
This week, we’ll learn more about liberalism, through the eyes of one of the great pontiffs of the last two centuries, Pope Leo XIII, and his condemnation of Liberalism in his encyclical “Libertas”.

Crisis Series #4 with Fr. Reuter: Liberalism’s Errors
This week, we’re welcoming Fr. Steven Reuter, who is the Prior of St. Dennis in Calgary. He’ll be our guide for the next few episodes as we dive into the errors of Liberalism, which is something that has infected everyone living today, and even those living in the early twentieth century, including Archbishop Lefebvre.

Crisis Series #3 with Fr. Wiseman: Origins – Descartes and Kant
This week, we’ll continue with Father Alexander Wiseman, looking at the remote background of the Crisis in more detail, exploring the philosophies of Immanuel Kant, and René Descartes, as well as their errors. Father will discuss how these ideas from some centuries ago have not only influenced the church, but have laid the groundwork for nearly all of our thinking today.

Crisis Series #2 with Fr. Wiseman: Origins – Nominalism & Luther
We’ll start in the 1300’s with Nominalism, and then move on to the errors of Martin Luther, how those two topics are connected, and what the response of the Church was at that time.

Crisis Series #1 with Fr. McFarland: Is There a Crisis?
In Episode 1, we’ll look at specific ways, and distinct symptoms of this crisis that is the greatest challenge the Catholic Church has ever faced.
- Notes from Episode 41: None
- Notes from Episode 40: The Dream of Dakar
- Notes from Episode 39: Novus Ordo Priests and Bishops
- Notes from Episode 38: No notes
- Notes from Episode 36-37: How can an Indefectible Church… ?
- Notes from Episode 35: Must all Catholics Accept Vatican II?
- Notes from Episode 34: Sedevacantism
• Transcript
• “Permanence of the Papacy” - Notes from Episode 33: Obedience & its Limits
- Notes from Episodes 31-32: Feeneyism
- Notes from Episode 30: Hermeneutic of Continuity
- Transcript from Episode 29: Collegiality
- Notes from Episode 28: Religious Liberty
- Notes from Episode 27: Ecumenism: Evangelization or Schizophrenia?
- No Notes from Episode 26
- Notes from Episode 25: Should Catholics Attend the New Mass?
- Notes from Episode 24: New Mass, Proclaiming a New Theology
- Notes from Episode 23: An Ecumenical Rite
- Notes from Episode 22: Post-Conciliar Reforms
- Notes from Episode 19-21: The Course of the Council
- Notes from Episode 18: The Secret Work that would Take Over the Council
- Notes from Episode 17: How Vatican II Started Out – Pretty Great!
- Notes from Episode 16: The New Theology & “Seeking the Mystery of Christ”
- Notes from Episode 15: Change is Always Good – Existentialism
- Notes from Episode 14: Why Freedom & Equality Aren’t Catholic
- Notes from Episode 13: Modernist Popes in Their Own Words
- Notes from Episodes 11-12: Modernism
- Notes from Episode 10: Modernist Infiltration – The Beginnings
- No Notes from Episode 9
- Notes from Episodes 7 & 8: Americanism
- Notes from Episode 6: Liberal Catholics Don’t Exist
- Notes from Episode 5: What is Liberalism?
- Notes from Episode 4: Liberalism’s Errors
- Notes from Episode 3: Origins – Descartes and Kant
- Notes from Episode 2: Origins – Nominalism and Luther
- Notes from Episode 1: Is There a Crisis?