Daily Devotional Email Companion

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Listen to the most recent Daily Devotionals:

Daily Devotional: Jul. 27 – BVM on Sat | St. Pantaleon

Today is Saturday, July 27, 2024, Today’s Mass is of the BVM on Saturdays, with a Commemoration of St. Pantaleon, Martyr, a 4th class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “The Sanctification of Crosses,” today’s news from the Church: “The Church Is Watching Penal Code Reform in the Dominican Republic,” 1and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

Daily Devotional: Jul. 26 – St. Anne

Today is Friday, July 26, 2024, The feast of St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin, a 2nd class feast, with the color of white. In this episode: The meditation: “A Pure Intention,” a preview of today’s podcast: “The Catholic Mass Episode 2: The Four Ends of the Mass,” today’s news from the Church: “Instrumentum Laboris 2024: A Return to the International Theological Commission, part 2,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

Daily Devotional: Jul. 25 – St. James the Greater

Today is Thursday, July 25, 2024, The feast of St. James the Greater, Apostle , a 2nd class feast, with the color of red. In this episode: The meditation: “The State of Grace,” a preview of the Sermon: “The Beauty of Doctrine,” news from the Church: “Instrumentum Laboris 2024: A Return to the International Theological Commission,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

Daily Devotional: Jul. 24 – Feria | St. Christina Martyr

Today is Wednesday, July 24, 2024, A feria, a 4th class feast, with the color of green. In this episode: The meditation: “The Lord’s Prayer – Conclusion,” a preview of the Sermon: “Take Your Baptism Seriously,” today’s news from the Church: “No Doctors to Perform Abortions in Public Hospitals in Tyrol, Austria,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

Daily Devotional: Jul. 23 – St. Apollinaris

Today is Tuesday, July 23, 2024, The feast of St. Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr , a 3rd class feast, with the color of red. In this episode: The meditation: “The Lord’s Prayer – The Seventh Petition,” today’s news from the Church: “Cistercian Monks Leave Notre-Dame d’Oelenberg,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

Daily Devotional: Jul. 22 – St. Mary Magdalene

Today is Monday, July 22, 2024, The feast of St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent , a 3rd class feast, with the color of red. In this episode: The meditation: “The Lord’s Prayer – The Sixth Petition,” a preview of the Sermon: “The Tears of Our Lord,” and today’s thought from the Archbishop.

FAQ's about the D.D.

When do these come out?

Every morning, usually at 4am Eastern Time, as a companion to the email Daily Devotional.

Why are there only a few Daily Devotionals here and in my feed? Do you delete them?

Yes, we only keep about a week’s worth of Daily Devotionals in your podcast feed – that way people can more easily find our series, like Questions with Father, Digital Dangers, the Crisis Series, etc.
But we have all of these episodes saved – if you want a copy of a specific day’s devotional, email [email protected], let us know the date, and we’ll send you the mp3 file and the transcript.

Do you have a transcript / emailed version?

The email Daily Devotional (subscribe up top of this page) is nearly identical to the audio/podcast version.  But if you want a copy of the transcript, just email us with the date you want:  [email protected]