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Today, we will look at Modernism through the lens of the recent encyclical by Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, and how this encyclical promotes the French revolutionary ideas of liberty, equality, and fraternity. We’ll see how these three ideas, though they sound very nice, are not based in Catholic doctrine, and in fact, were condemned by...
Today, we’ll compare side by side the viewpoints of the modern popes, and examine them in the light of Pope St. Pius X’s encyclical, Pascendi. Within the span of thirty minutes, we’ll see how the modern Church has perfectly followed the modernist playbook that Pope St. Pius X predicted just a hundred years before. Nearly...
Last episode, Father gave us insight into modernist philosophies by looking at the encyclical Pascendi. Today, we’ll look at today’s Catholicism, which is completely immersed in Modernism. We’ll start by asking if modernist Catholics can even be considered Catholics. Then we’ll look at each of the major parts of our faith through the lens of...
This week on the Crisis in the Church series, we’re taking a break from our normal interviews for Christmas, but we wanted to do an episode recapping what we’ve talked about over the last three months. That way if you’ve missed an episode – or a few – you can get up to speed as...
On December 10, Fr. Trevor Burfitt, represented by Christopher Ferrara of the St. Thomas More Society, won a preliminary injunction prohibiting California Governor Newsom and others named in Father Trevor Burfitt’s lawsuit from enforcing COVID-19 related restrictions against his chapels in Kern, San Bernardino, San Diego and Los Angeles counties.
Today we’re joined by Fr. Paul Robinson, the Prior of Saint Isidore’s in Denver, Colorado. Last episode, we learned from Fr. Franks about the background of Modernism, and today, in our explanation of modernist thought, we’ll see how this modernist ideology twists the very nature of religion. We’ll take a look back at more recent...
First, we’ll see how it sprang up in Protestant theology, then, how Modernism tried to give an entirely new interpretation of scripture and the Divinity of Our Lord, and finally, how these errors spread into the minds of some Catholic theologians in the late nineteenth century.
We’ve finished our study of Liberalism – Before we start covering Modernism in detail, we wanted to take an episode to answer a listener’s question about the Crisis in the Church: “What’s wrong with the world? Is there a connection between the chaos in the post-Conciliar Church and the chaos that we are seeing in...
This week, we’ll discuss the rapid growth of Catholic schools, parishes, hospitals, and orphanages, and what that had to do with American Exceptionalism. We’ll also see how Pope Leo XIII both was in awe of the American Catholic Church, and gave some grave warnings.
We’re speaking with Fr. Jonathan Loop about Americanism, which is closely tied to our last set of episodes on Liberalism. We’ll start by looking at the history and challenges that faced the Catholic Church in the early years of our country. Also, we’ll ask why Americanism is actually an error, and whether or not an...
Today we’re speaking with Mr. Mike Banschbach, who runs a prison ministry out of Midland, Texas. Mike’s work, and the efforts of Fr. Katzaroff, as well as the faithful at St. Michael the Archangel chapel have provided some really awe-inspiring stories, as you’ll hear in the next thirty minutes or so. And far from being...
We’re speaking with Fr. Steven Reuter for the culmination on our study of Liberalism, by seeing how it’s completely impossible for a Catholic to be a Liberal, and a Liberal to be a Catholic. Yes, there are “Liberal Catholics” but can they truly say they are Catholics, in the full sense of the word?