All Episodes:

We’re starting our 4-episode look at the Novus Ordo Mass, which was introduced in 1969. We’ll be covering a different aspect during each of these episodes, today, looking at the New Mass, and how it was developed as an Ecumenical Rite. We know from previous episodes that the Church had pivoted in its relationship to...
With this episode, we’re starting our study of the period after the Second Vatican Council. Over the next twenty or so episodes, we’ll be diving into topics like the Novus Ordo Mass, Religious Liberty, Collegiality, the Hermeneutic of Continuity, Feenyism, Obedience and its Limits, Sedevacantism, Ecumenism, Infallibility, the new Canonizations, Supplied Jurisdiction, and much more....
We’re going to wrap up our discussion on the course of the Second Vatican Council today with Fr. MacGillivray by looking at the fourth and final Session of the Council, which took place in 1965. To do this, we’ll hone in 4 of the most important of constitutions that were passed, dealing with Religious Liberty,...
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on Good Friday, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Crucifixion.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on Holy Thursday, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Carrying of the Cross.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on the Wednesday of Holy Week, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Crowning with Thorns.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on the Monday of Holy Week, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Agony in the Garden.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2020. Today, on the Monday of Holy Week, we will be hearing from Fr. Michael Goldade on topic of the Agony in the Garden.
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2004. Today, Passion Friday, we’ll be hearing from Fr. Gerard Beck, on the topic of the Suffering of Our Lord, by looking at the figures of Simon the Cyrene and...
Today, we’ll continue our look at the Second Vatican Council, this time looking at the 2nd and 3rd Sessions, in 1963 and 1964. We’ll see how the liberal Rhine Group continued their full-on assault of the preparations for the Council, and how they gained an ally in the newly-elected Pope Paul VI, who cleared the...
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2004. Today, Passion Thursday, we’ll be hearing from Fr. Kenneth Novak, on the topic of the God’s Mercy and Justice, and a reflection on who among us is standing at...
This week on the SSPX Podcast, we’ll be sharing the Parish Mission from St. Vincent de Paul in Kansas City, as it was delivered in 2004. Today, Passion Wednesday, we’ll be hearing from Fr. Gerard Beck, on the topic of the Scourging at the Pillar, and the events which led up to this suffering, both...