Sacraments #8: The Traditional Latin Mass Explained w/ Fr. Paul Robinson
Father Paul Robinson will join us to explain in detail the Traditional Latin Mass. We’ll look at the themes of the Mass – what the Traditional Mass is emphasizing over and over, then go, step by step, through the Mass, with visuals and explanations of the prayers, the symbolism, and the ceremonies performed by the priests each day, in nearly every country of the world.
Sacraments #7: Are the Mass and the Eucharist the Same Thing? w/ Fr. Paul Robinson
Father Paul Robinson will join us to discuss Holy Eucharist.
Sacraments #6: Why No One Cares About Confession Anymore – With Fr. David Sherry
Today we’ll look at the new understanding of the Sacrament of Penance. To do that, we’re going to take a step back, and see how much of the hierarchy in the Church today sees sin differently, or at least there’s a different emphasis. Then we’ll see how that impacts the Sacrament of Penance. We’ll also take a moment to see how the rite has changed.
Sacraments #5: Why Do We Confess Our Sins to a Priest? With Fr. David Sherry
We’ll take a magnifying glass to Penance today. To do that, we’ll start by looking at the concept of sin itself. Then we’ll look at the penitent, and the priest. What is Father looking for when he asks us those questions in the Confessional? And why do we have to do a penance afterwards? Fr. Sherry will walk us through the traditional form of the Sacrament of Penance
Sacraments #4: Why the New Rite of Baptism is Deficient
Father Wiseman will join us again, this time to look at the New Rite of Baptism. While the sacrament in both the old and the new rites are valid, nearly every other aspect of the new Rite – all the sacramentals, blessings, prayers, and exorcisms, have either been removed or drastically changed. Why? And if these things have been removed or changed, what has replaced them?
Sacrament Series #3: The Traditional Rite of Baptism w/ Fr. Wiseman
Father Alexander Wiseman, professor at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is joining us for the next two episodes, first to look at the Traditional Rite of Baptism. As you’ll see, it is so much more than simply pouring water, and saying a few words of the formula. The Church has filled the ritual with exorcisms, symbolism, and graces for the benefit of the new Christian being Baptized.
Sacraments Series #2: Common Errors About the Sacraments
Today we’ll have Fr. Paul Robinson back to look at some of the common errors – some of the heresies that have arisen over the centuries about the Sacraments. We’ll also take a look at the way two distinct groups understand the sacraments – namely, Protestants and Modernists. As you’ll start to see in this episode – and as it will be come clearer throughout this series, both groups have an outsized role in how the understanding of the Sacraments shifted in the Church in the last fifty years.
Sacraments Series #1: What Is So Important About the Catholic Sacraments?
This series comes at time when the traditional rite of the Sacraments of the Catholic Church are being suppressed. The series comes at time when it is more important than ever to understand what the sacraments are, why they’re necessary, and what we can do to preserve them.