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On today’s episode of the SSPX Podcast, we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking at Justification – or how to get to Heaven. How are we justified? Did Christ do all the work through Redemption? Do we simply need to believe that His infinite merits are enough or do we need to do something more?...
This episode of the SSPX Podcast continues the Apologetics Series by examining further one of the fonts of revelation: Sacred Scripture. Having previously discussed the truth of the Bible and its divine inspiration, the Podcast turns to a major point of contention between Catholics and other Christian denominations, namely the interpretation of Scripture and the...
Over the last few episodes, we’ve identified some concerns about the Church – today, we’ll look at the attributes of the Church – or what the Church needs to have in order to be real, and believable. Does the Catholic Church fit all the criteria for believability?
There may not be another singular person who is a source of such controversy throughout the history of the Catholic Church. And, Galileo is the favorite tool that many use to claim that the Church is backwards, anti-science, anti-reason, and more. So what’s the story with Galileo? And why did the Catholic Church react the...
Like last episode, when we faced some of the worst popes we’ve ever had, today, we’ll look at some of the worst instances of human corruption the Church has ever had. From illegitimate indulgences, to clerics throughout history helping their family members, and all sorts of other bad actors, we’ll try to understand how to...
we’ll continue our Apologetics Series by looking squarely and unapologetically at some of the worst men who have ever sat on the throne of St. Peter. And there have been more than a few. What are we as Catholics to think about this? How can the Catholic Church be true, be inspired by God if...
For hundreds of years, the critics argue, the Catholic Church spearheaded a cultural genocide across the globe, replacing vibrant indigenous cultures with white European culture. So… is it true? What impact did the Church have on exploratory missions? Did conversion lead to colonization?
It all starts with the basic concept of how should the Church deal with heresies? What does a trial for a crime against truth look like – and what should it look like? Throughout history, were there abuses of this process by the Church or by the civil authorities? Or is it all completely exaggerated?...
We’re starting to look at some of the more controversial aspects of Church History. Over the next 6 episodes, we’ll have Dr. John Rao join us to look at the “hot button issues” that are commonly used to attack the faith. Today we’ll start by looking at the Crusades. Were they good, or were they...
Fr. Ian Palko will join us again to look specifically at the Miracles that the New Testament says Our Lord performed.  Did he actually perform these, or are these just made up stories, passed from word of mouth, and finally collected in the New Testament as fodder for a new religion? How can we possibly prove...
Now we’ll start to see what religion needs to look like, so that it’s not just something we believe in, like a myth or a legend. What is the most fundamental principle of a religion, if it is going to be true? We’ll ask Fr. Leo Anthony Haynos, who teaches this exact topic at St....
We’ve already seen in Episode 5 that we have to practice a religion, but now we’ll start to see what that religion needs to look like, so that it’s not just something we believe in, like a myth or a legend. What is the most fundamental principle of a religion, if it is going to...