All Episodes:

The Consequences of Parental Ignorance: Digital Dangers #7

As we have already touched on in earlier episodes, screens and the content they deliver adversely affect the mental and emotional maturation of young people, with some content–such as pornography–inflicting lifelong damage. These dangers are considered in more detail today, with special attention paid to the responsibilities that all parents must shoulder to ensure their…

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The Adverse Effects of Pornography: Digital Dangers #6

The long lasting effects of pornography cannot be understated. Exposure to it, especially at a young age, can leave an imprint on the mind that remains for years. Repeated exposure often leads to addiction, which is not easily overcome. Although all things are possible with God’s grace, those who have been exposed to this harmful…

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Pornography Is Worse Than You Think: Digital Dangers #5

In this fifth installment in our ongoing Digital Dangers series, we confront one of the most troubling topics in the digital age: pornography. Although pornographic material has been around for literally thousands of years, never before in human history has it been so widely disseminated and easily accessible. The pornography industry, which generates tens of…

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Social Media: Digital Dangers #4

In this fourth episode of our ongoing Digital Dangers series, we explore one of the most dominant aspects of our digital age: social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X–formerly known as Twitter–allow literally billions of people to share content around the world in seconds. Much of this content is relatively benign, with…

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Alabama IVF Controversy: the Catholic Position – Questions with Father #41 Preview – Fr. Palko

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is in the headlines following an Alabama Supreme Court decision holding that frozen embryos can be considered children under the law. While many Catholics laud this decision, just as many if not more are unaware of the Church’s teaching on IVF and the serious moral questions raised by this practice.

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Screens and Shallow Learning: Digital Dangers #3 *

We’ll continue exploring the effects of modern technology on our lives, particularly our mental and spiritual health. As discussed in the last episode, technological tools such as smartphones and state-of-the-art search engines like Google grant us unprecedented access to nearly unlimited information. In addition, algorithms and tracking software lead us through a sea of content…

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How Does Technology Affect Us? Digital Dangers #2

Today, in the second part of our ongoing series Digital Dangers, we examine the effects of modern technology on our mental fitness, spiritual well being, and even our physical health. While technology such as smartphones, state-of-the-art search engines, and artificial intelligence give us access to vast reservoirs of information, are we harming ourselves intellectually through…

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Digital Dangers #1: Introduction

Welcome back to the SSPX Podcast, where we’re diving into our new series, Digital Dangers! In this ten-part series, we’ll answer questions about modern technology’s complicated nature and its lurking hazards. In a world where technology reigns supreme, we’ll explore its effects on us, our children, and our eternal destiny. How do we shield ourselves…

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New Series Coming Soon: Digital Dangers

Welcome back to the SSPX Podcast, where we’re diving into our new series, Digital Dangers! In this ten-part series, we’ll answer questions about modern technology’s complicated nature and its lurking hazards. In a world where technology reigns supreme, we’ll explore its effects on us, our children, and our eternal destiny. How do we shield ourselves…

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The Final Thought: Why Should I Become Catholic? Apologetics #42

On the final episode of the Apologetics Series, we answer one last remaining question, “How do we know with certainty that we should join the Catholic Church?” Over the past 41 episodes we have shown that God exists, that His Word is true, that we can find Him, that Jesus is Him, and that the…

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