Father Paul Robinson will join us to look at each aspect of the New Mass, and how it constitutes a gravely insufficient way of adoring the Holy Trinity. We’ll be using clips from a couple Novus Ordo Masses to illustrate each section that Father is discussing – and to be as fair as possible, we will mainly be looking at a fairly reverent, common Novus Ordo Mass. It would be easy to find a New Mass with dancers, bands and light shows – but we’re trying to illustrate that at its core, the prayers and rubrics of the priest are a striking departure from Catholic theology, and are closer to Cramners’ Protestant reformations.
The Jewish Seder Meal – Referenced in the Podcast: https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/people-cultures-in-the-bible/jesus-historical-jesus/jesus-last-supper-passover-seder-meal/
Cranmer’s Godly Order: https://angeluspress.org/products/cranmers-godly-order
The Problem of the Liturgical Reform: https://angeluspress.org/products/problem-of-the-liturgical-reform
The Ottaviani Intervention: https://angeluspress.org/products/the-ottaviani-intervention
Lex Orandi: https://www.amazon.com/Lex-Orandi-Daniel-Graham/dp/0983893306
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